Dear Family and Friends,
It’s been a long ten days since surgery. Everything went well and successfully. I’ve been in a lot of pain with my left arm and drain site. My Mom was allowed to be at the hospital with me! You’re prayers have held me up, and I cannot thank you enough.
A few days ago, I saw my surgeon, and he read us the pathology results. The cancerous, enlarged lymph node was completely removed. He pulled out twelve lymph nodes surrounding it and those, as well as, all the breast tissue tested negative for cancer (which we expected). Just for clarification, this does not mean I’m free of cancer. In January of this year I was given the diagnosis of stage 4 (terminal) cancer. That’s when cancer goes to a “distant site.” That diagnosis stands unless the Lord chooses to heal me of it which we pray for.
Last night/this morning I went to the Emergency Room because of the pain and infected look of the site around my drain. We were there several hours. I started to feel better as I was given antibiotics through an IV. I was sent home with an aggressive dosage of antibiotics. I’ll follow up with my surgeontomorrow.
I say it often, but your prayers mean everything to me. I really mean it. Here are some prayer needs:
-Pray that the infection at my drain site will be healed.
-Thank the Lord that the cancerous lymph node was removed.
-Pray that I would rest in the grace and love of the Lord.
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken. Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned. The LORD redeems the life of his servants; none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned.” - Psalm 34:19-22

Grace & Peace,
With lots of love, my daily prayers for you continue...
I’m thinking you and Janie and praying that the pain will subside and there is no infection. Praying for a quick recovery. Jan
Oh it is so good to see both of your beautiful faces... thanks for letting us know how to specifically pray... I love hearing your results.... love you both💜💜
So happy to read that it went well and according to God’s plan. I pray for a speedy recovery with everything. 🙏🏾❤️
Melissa praying for a speedy recovery