Hello Family and Friends,
I noted on Facebook that Monday I was having scans and that I would appreciate your prayers. I was overwhelmed by so many that indicated they would be praying. I felt God's peace and presence, and I know your prayers made a difference.
I saw my oncologist yesterday after having a bone scan and a series of cat scans. The outcome was overall good. However, on my chest cat scan, a lymph node showed that has increased in size. The doctor explained that it is either reactive (meaning from being on chemotherapy) or it is malignant. The doctor would prefer to biopsy the lymph node, but it is located in a position that is rather difficult to get to. Therefore, I will be sent for a pet scan in 4-6 weeks. The method she is using is to watch it aggressively because of my history and current diagnosis. I am to continue in the meantime the chemo by mouth.
Waiting is hard. We all know how that feels. I am learning that cancer means a lot of waiting, and worry does not accomplish anything. I am reminded of Psalm 33:20-21. "Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name." So in my waiting I'm going to trust that the Lord will accomplish his will and rest that he is in control. I appreciate your prayers so much, and I will keep you posted on the next steps ahead.
Grace & Peace,